Below is my vision of a global organization with operations in Tunisia, also refered to as "Tunisia Inc"
1) English will be the language of the workplace, spoken and written. Tunisian Arabic will be the common language, French supported but not recommended
2) The company will be run by a Tunisian CEO reporting directly to the board, which is made of Americans, Canadians or Asians
3) Employees will be Tunisians only
4) Employees will be hired through referrals only, no posting on any job boards
5) Employees will work for free the first month, and then get compensated onward
6) Employees will earn shares of the parent company, as they gain seniority, their shares grow
7) Employees will have to sign non-disclosure agreement and agree to pay penalties (deducted from salary in an escrow account) should they be proven guilty of breach of trust in a Tunisian court of law
8) Termination for cause or without cause is permitted, as long as it’s not abusive, there will be no job security
9) All employees will be granted a paid 4 days leisure travel once per year to any European city of their choosing, granted that ¾ of them over-achieve
10) Training is at the own time and expense of the employee
11) 2 major mistakes are allowed per year, termination thereafter, to the sole discretion of the manager with review from the Board
12) The Tunisian office can shutdown anytime and relocate somewhere else, at the sole discretion of the board. All employees will be fired with 2 weeks notice
13) The office will feature an open concept cubicle setting, with a game room equiped with a state of the art sound and video system, and a WII console.
14) Internet connection will be handled by a satellite link. No TunisieTelecom crap
15) Work hours will be flexible, minimum 6 hours per day, maximum at the discretion of the employee
16) There will be no maternity benefits, but 1 over 4 employee must be female
17) Working from home will be allowed
18) There will be 3 weeks vacation per year, and 1 week sick leave
19) There will be whistleblower policy in place. I.e. it is the responsibility of every employee to report unacceptable behavior of another employee or manager. Abuse of this rule will lead to immediate termination
20) There will be no business travel overseas
21) The office will not be located in the Capital
22) There will be 3 special days. One family day where employees bring their spouses and kids, one Civic day where employees debate and discuss their community issues and one cleanup job day, where they pick a location and clean it up!
23) There will be 360degree review of immediate managers per year
24) Security will be handed to a strong private security company
25) Dress code will be 'dress down', that is shorts in the summer, and jeans in the winter, except when there are visitors, dress code will move up to be formal neck and tie for managers, skirts and heels for the ladies, and business casual for the rest.
26) Last but not the least, i will not look after this company :)