Seattle, L.A, London, Tunis??, Toronto...

Then, onto Los Angeles for a 4 day training. I like this part, coz I miss Los Angeles allot, even though there is no such thing as Los Angeles downtown.
Then come back, spend barely one day at home, then on to an overseas flight to London, UK for a 3 day Conference (I hate conferences, papers, and all the research crap, it’s dull, but that’s my corrupt opinion). It’s my first time to the UK so I need to order some maps and especially the map of ZE UNDERGROUND, switch to the English accent, because over there, there is no such thing as Elevator, it’s called lift, and there is no truck, it’s a LOOOOOOORY Bloody hell. And Ohh everything is charming, Sir :-)
I’m trying to squeeze in, a few days to go to Tunis, but there is neither a conference, nor a training there, so I need to find a good excuse…suggestions are welcome
I’m grateful to the 'calendar and the gods' since this is occuring while Wifie and Kiddo are still out…otherwise that will cost me dearly. Wifie charges 50$ (in value or kind) for a missed diaper change.
Ok, i think i need to go do some laundry....
Have a nice trip buddy.
Usually when I am on a business trip in Europe for 2 or more days, I manage to get one day off + week-end and make the detour to Tunis, provided that I can find a flight back on Sunday.
The problem is that to catch planes outbound to the US from europe the same day, there are only 2 flights from TN. Lufthansa at 3:55 AM and Alitalia at 6:25 AM. Paris and London flights leave late to catch the trans-Atlantic flights the same day, so you'll lose another night.
keep going
bon voyage
Bonne chance voyageur
@+ sur mes rivages!
@aymen, shuuttt. you're gonna get me into trouble :-) but i like the idea though ;-)))
@samsoum. i think in the case of canada is different, i always take a connecting flight from CDG and be home the same time. But i remember it was the case for the west coast. All the best. !
@tarek, dear tarek. I'll take your advice literally. So you guys called britania now? i keep hearing, the UK, England, GB..oh well, they're all good.
@greco, muchos gracias Senor !
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