Monday, June 26, 2006

Society > Montreal fun...

Last week-end, was the Saint-Jean Baptiste, A.K.A, la Fete Nationale du Quebec, with a sovereign connotation. The atmosphere was great on Parc Maisoneuve where 250,000 people gathered for a mega, super party of all Quebec singers. I’ve never seen such crowd gathering before in my life, even with a helicopter overhead, newscast had a hard time covering the event.

The next day I ended up watching Alonso, Michael Schumacher, Villeneuve in the Grand Prix of Canada Live on the race track …it was really something!!! Hearing and feeling those jet powered cars roaring by is way different than watching it in on your TV. Too bad, Canadian champ Villeneuve locked his wheels in a turn & hit a wall right before the end.

But the best part of the week-end was on Saturday evening, night & I was wandering (and the partying) with some American friends the streets of St-Laurent, St-Denis and the almighty Crescent. There was too much wealth was exposed, and the amount and quality of babes was hilarious, I figured around 300 to 500 babes Top notch lurking and looking for ‘fun’, all dressed to kill. Eventually, being married, the best I could do was watch, enjoy, then watch and from time to time smile ;-) It would've been much more fun if my own babe was with me enjoying the party...

The drive back home was a different story however; I almost lost my license as I was doing few peeks of 170 on some stretches of the King’s highway. Luckily, a Boxter passed by me doing probably 190 which later got caught by Air crew and flagged by the next OPP platoon (Ontario Provincial Police) which alerted everyone behind him (including me) so we had to slow down and show respect for the law.

In fact, a speed in excess of 60km warrants automatic license suspension, sending to court and criminal charge(s) filed against the driver.not to mention insurance doubling, bad record, etc.

Today is back to work day…but I’m eagerly looking forward to the next long week-end since, it’s Canada Day, and who knows, I may head back to Montreal and enjoy…some ‘sight seeing’ :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you see F1 race !! SAHHA LIK :-)

5:30 AM  
Blogger SNAWSI said...

Chnowa napo , ghab il kot wallina nel3ebou ? just kidding, man ;-)

6:57 AM  
Blogger Napo said...

@swifty. ti ahwaka, marra fil fel.

@joe. thank you Sir

@snawsi: houwa wallahi famma s7i7 fi klemik, si j'avais la famille avec moi, je ne pourrais pas le faire, amma de temps en temps, des escapades de ce genre, c'est bon pour le meme sur le couple aussi.

8:51 AM  
Blogger SNAWSI said...

yup, totally agree.
on s'éclate un peu, quelque part, vive le célibat mais la vie de couple a aussi son charme, et avec un bébé, encore plus.
And you're definetly missing them too much so you're filling your time with such activities :-)

9:47 AM  
Blogger Napo said...

@snawsi. you got it all right dear !

10:05 AM  
Blogger Napo said...

@um zayd, i shall learn from Abu Zayd then. and should probably tell him how lucky to have bint bladi as a wife ! :-)))

12:00 PM  

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