Saturday, September 09, 2006

60 girls arrersted, hoax or news?

I heard recently that 60 females (married and umarried) have been caught performing acts of indecency....and arrested in an up-scale neighborhoud in Tunis. 12 among them were then tested positively for HIV. I'm not sure if this is truth or hoax, and i doubt it will make it to the newswire ever.

It seems that nowadays boys and girls sleeping together after the first date is "chose normale", all cultural and moral restraints are completely down.

Disgraceful & Disgusting...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didb't heard this story,but the one quoted by um zayd i know a similar one to it.
"Disgraceful & Disgusting..." you said,i think they are very "weak" words, ya hasra 3la nos valeurs tunisiens :-( ,
"sleeping together after the first date is "chose normale""=> et en plus fille comme garçon combattent férocement ce qui ne fait pas pareil(tu ^peut voir les sujets en relations sur la blogosphére tunisienne,ça relate la mentalité de nos filles (et mecs bien sûr) :-(

5:35 PM  
Blogger Napo said...

@um zayd, a portion of that porn is circulating on the p2p networks, i heard abt a month ago. and it's totally true ! it's very similar to the egyptian who put his video des noces public too.

@swifty. you bet. i heard abt similiar situations within the blogsphere and within meetups even, then see more about 'meet you, know you, sleep with you' and so on.

and then, they flag the boys as selfish and hesitant to start a relationship and a marriage. Well, under these circunstances, i would probably recommand 10yr warranty before signing any paper..hahah

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"i would probably recommand 10yr warranty before signing any paper"
=> very good idea :-) !

@tarek: I didn't agree with you when you said "This is very harmful to our reputation" because this is the reality ,desperately it goes worst every day...
"kept saying that there were prostitues calling upon him on Avenue Bourguiba, and during daytime!! "=> ah c normal!

I even know someone "a girl" who will marry a tunisian living abroad,the man is working in north america, and the girl is playing the role of a "clean prostitue" here in tunisia (yafahtou biha !)

5:30 AM  
Blogger Napo said...

Tarek, il fsed fi kol bo93a. if i would argue with a fellow arab abt prostitution, i would cite him million of cases from his home country.

that said, rumous of this kind and this magnitude tend to be generally true.

I've been an expat for long enough now to assess the level of degradation within the tunisian society, you first hear abt them and u deny such realtiy, tne you wander the streets of upscale tunis or the regions, especially the sahel and you see wonders, as if you're in amsterdam.

7:01 AM  
Blogger Napo said...

Emna, maybe...maybe not.

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@emna: napo a Hélas raison sur ce point là,je le confirme plus que totalement,car tellement j'ai fréquenté des gens ses derniéres années de la plupart des régions tunisiienns et niveaux sociales,je ne peut qu'être d'accord avec l'histoire raconté et les idée qui en découlent derriéres sur la dégradation "énorme" des valeurs morales.

9:56 AM  
Blogger Curieuse de tout said...

Tarek t'as raison sur un truc: je n'entends parler de toutes ces histoires hallucinantes qu'en étant à l'étranger!!! Sinon, sur place je n'ai jamais eu échos de ces faits divers...

Soit ce ne sont que des rumeurs à la tunisienne soit les médias comme tjrs font "très bien" leur boulot..

4:15 AM  
Blogger Napo said...

Eman, your numbers are quite arbitrary. this is not not about a threshold that we should wait for until we panic...this is a about general trend in nowadays female behaviour, a.k.a 'fille trop facile'.

Do you find it standard procedure to sleep with a guy at ease before any format engagement? maybe i'm out of touch with the reality..and you do condone such behaviour.

BTW, these occurances of indencency are not usually a matter of public viewing or hearing.. they seldom make news.

9:49 AM  
Blogger Napo said...

Eman => Emna (sorry typo)

10:11 AM  
Blogger Napo said...

@anonyme decadant. i hope you have heard the paragraph on left top side of the entry page it reads
"Everything is permitted on my blog, except anything that is considered an offense under the law, to my sole discretion"

First, you have violated that recommandation
Second, you were posting stuff unrelated to this topic
Third, you attacked me personally
Fourth, you are anonymous and i don't know you virtually.

Your comments will be censured as long as you break the rules of this blog. Be smart and post something that make sense or contribute positively to any topic, everyone will benefit from it.

Do we have terms?

6:30 AM  

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